杨牧青日记 对话
2022年7月30日至8月1日,当代著名书画家、艺术评论家、国际知名艺术家、甲骨文与上古文化研究学者、全球祖文化上古史学术顾问杨牧青先生的绘画作品《读塞上之曲》(水墨/中国画)应邀参加“FWAG格鲁吉亚团体艺术展·佐治亚洲第一愿望画廊展览”活动,期间由Art Oriental艺术东方(英国)组织选送的数十位国际知名艺术家作品得到参观者及主办方一致好评,部分作品被欧洲的一些收藏家收藏。
Creation background: this work was created in the summer of 2011 and is one of Mr. yangmuqing's masterpieces. In Chinese traditional culture, the scene described in poetry is divided into regions, including Jiangnan, northwest and frontier. However, the "frontier culture" of the desert and the long river with a round sunset generally contains the intersection of the scholars' understanding of the vast, rough and pathetic world. In China's traditional culture and art, it is a feeling of wandering and nostalgia to be able to read poems and write pictures on the plug. During the creation of this work, the unique technique of Chinese ink freehand brushwork was used to fill the remnant of the castle with materials, and the lines, blocks and light colors were used for rendering. The lines separated the space like fish scales, which was like barren mountain land and dry valleys. On the left, two goats, one female and one male, looked up and shouted toward the distance of the castle, as if calling for the return of those who had gone away!
Art Oriental艺术东方(英国)组织选送